can chinchillas eat pistachios

can chinchillas eat pistachios

As for which we prefer, it'd have to be a bottle because the water will stay cleaner as there is no way for fur, dust, food bits, or anything else to get in to the bottle. My chins love the rosehips. They are prominently featured on my website :). the alfalfa hay has too much calcium which can be bad for your chinchilla. Just supply chin pellets and timothy hay. If you want to give a treat try a wood stick, new kind of hay, bit of slow cook oats ( DO NOT use the quick cook kind), a cheerio, or a shredded wheat, but no more than once a day. Most people should not own chinchillas and pet stores should not sell them because they dont inform people with facts. He loves his raisins more but that's likely as they are given to him in limited doeses. Infact a made up recipe can also work. This is very important. Look up NASA) This ends up requiring regular trips to the dentist to have their teeth ground down under sedation. They seem to like to hold the hay in chunks as they eat it more than strands of hay. Scared of progress? Now Im sure none of you mistreat your chinchilla(s), but they definitely are one of the most mistreated when it comes to space, diet, and stuff inside of the cage. Chinchillas have delicate digestive systems. J, some of what you say is accurate, particularly the part about the digestive system, but that has been posted before as has the hay part. Raisins for example, a nice treat but if Aquarius had her way she would eat them even beyond the Onset of severe barnyard bum. You can give a cheerio or shredded wheat as a treat every so often. Can someone give a definitive answer? You can also get freeze dried soybeans, which taste like peanuts without the fat. Many people will tell you to avoid these sorts of manufactured treats. I put 2 cardboard boxes together, the second with a 4" mouse hole as entrance after going into 1st one. I remember my mom being scared to use hers. I learned alot from Dr. Legendre. My chinchilla had to have surgery to remove calcium stones. They love freeze dried treats, but they do nothing for their teeth and probably have sugar added. This is important! We also share information about your use of our site with our social media, advertising and analytics partners. I have given chinchillas cranberries for about 12 years and they are fine. (Benefits/Risks), Can Chinchillas Eat Pecans? Just another suggestion for a treat that should be given sparingly. I need to check out the nutritional content, but they just love Fennagreek seeds. Don't give your chinchillas nuts, sweetened treats, fruits or vegetables. Chinchillas have very sensitive digestive systems, and don't need vegetables or fruits. As for treats my chinchilla loves cheerios! Thanks much! The hay is essential for their digestive system and it also helps to keep those teeth filed down. Anyways apparently corn is historically one of the most inbred and now genetically modified food crops. Stacy, I wouldn't allow my chin to eat peanut butter sandwichs. I was just wondering if it is bad for a chinchilla to eat watermelon because I gave my male chinchilla, Tazz, some watermelon and I don't know if it will harm him. Hope this information helped! The calories, fat, and protein content are all within the range that is recommended for chinchillas. I want to make a "Tunnel" section like the rocks and caves their ancestors have in Peru but in this new massive cage. Hi, i just got my chin girl, was told she is 4. please could someone tell me if you can give chinchillas mussel shell? If you think I'm overprotective I would be glad to put you in touch with some people who are. For a bunch of concerned animal lovers, there is too much animosity. I noticed a picture of a rabbit, hamster, and gerbil are on the box but says its ok for " small animals". Also, provide them with distilled water to drink in their water bottle. Uncooked Elbow Noodle: safe, but in moderation. Both became lethargic to the point of not being able to stand! I recently took in 4 chinchillas as rescues and am being a college student, I want the Health treats and foods for them but unfortunately.. We ballin on a budget. This usually means pellets are eaten and hay is not. I came on this page to find out if it had any drug type interactions. Those chins are lucky to have you!! Many people wonder if chinchillas can eat pistachios. I guess he doesn't like the pellets. Can you feed chinchillas cat food if so what kind? Most vets knock them out and almost immediately start the wake up procedure. Red Clover Flowers: ^ Anybody out there who can provide a loving home? Tracy, I used to feed my chins coconut also, but, coconut has a high fat content. Good luck. Maybe my chinchilla is weird. You already know that a chinchilla will chew on anything and everything. I don't know if posting it violates any rules, if so the mods can remove it. Kim. Since loosing Gizmo due to tooth issues, we have pulled pellets out of their diets and added natural source items such as seeds leaves and grasses. You don't give them stuff humans snack on. I have four chinchillas that consume many of these products in moderation as treats in addition to their base diet and they are fine. The list of vegetable chinchillas can eat isn't that long. so i am almost positive that your chinchilla will be okay! This is most likely the reason that you are not supposed to give them pistachios. But is lemon juice safe for chinchillas to eat? If your animal is not used to fresh food items or a varied diet they do not have the microorganisms in their appendix needed to digest the food items. Salt blocks or wheels are good for chinchillas. This is a safe treat and is good for them. That was over 2 years ago, and nothing ever happened, and she's in perfect health. Louie is. I also have a water bottle on the s De of his cage. There isn't any certain amount of hay that you should give at one time. Also, try to use distilled water for them. Purchase a bowl at a pet store that you can attach much higher onto his cage. Can chinchillas eat oats? Use your forefingers to brace the nut so that you can apply more force to the shell. I've been considering it as a treat. So farmers can spray the crap out of their fields with it. but if anybody has tried it please reply. But most people firstly worry about what is easy, what is cheap, and what makes them feel good. They really love the willow leaves. These are healthy for chins. I hope this will help you in keeping your chinchillas safe and healthy. Riv, I agree with you on just about everything you state on this site concerning the diets of chins. They still need to have chinchilla pellets for vitamins. Your chinchilla should always have access to its food and hay. Reply. Also, I will occasionally give a raisin but any food that is considered to be "wet" I will not give as they are very prone to diarrhea witch can kill them. My uncle use to ranch them for their fur and I hated him for that, now I spend my life trying to save them. Just be careful with the raisins. But I have spent endless hours doing research, and have talked with tons of people who know more about chinchillas that I do, people who have had chinchillas their whole lives and who chinchillas are their lives and living. A lot of wrong advise out there. Same digestive track as the wild one. Warn them that sugar is bad, causes obesity in chins, that excessive oil isn't easily accessible in their environment, and that chins come from an ecosystem that's arid high mountains. Recently I got a package of Jasmine tea for christmas, and I made the mistake of putting it too close to his cage. Also, you may want to buy some wooden sticks or lava blocks from petsmart. Living in the Vancouver area, we have lots of wild blackberry bushes and I have a number of Pear and Apple tree's in the yard as well as a somewhat out of control grape vine. they tend to urinate often in one spot daily. Chaos and Copper came from a home with a dozen chinchillas, so they eat like little pigs :) they have more of a hay diet as the rest, because I am still trying to get the girls away from the junk, but doing this too fast results in them not eating. This is what I feed my chinchilla. The girls get to run freely in the room at least once a day for an hour or so. I did some reading and apparently it helps cure fatty liver disease, which is what caught my attention. Ive experienced that before too. A good daily snack would be cheerios, small shredded wheat squares or a tiny pinch of old fashioned oats or whole oats (good in the winter when their ears are dry since it has a bit of extra oil). And Rachael is 100% correct, this article is complete bullshit. I need to look that up, but I know a salt and sugar mix is used in humans. She only ate some daisy and orchid petals and I was wondering if these will be harmful to her?! Provide your chin with chin pellets, timothy hay and safe wood to chew on as well as fresh water. Blackberry & raspberry leaves are great as well One of the best treats for a chinchilla and can be offered daily. Chinchillas should have a good quality kibble to balance nutritional needs. my friends mother gave their chinch a whole one, and latter that night found the cinch dead. Don't listen to what that uptight ninny had to say. We have a total of 5 chinchillas, two boys and 3 girls. Debra, I wouldn't suggest feeding your chins corn. He also loves the carrot, corn, & alfalfa slims. I would appreciate any information on this topic! Saw the one about Honey Nut Cherrios. Yes, in limited quantities. There is I do out there regarding Monsanto's deadly weed killer, Roundup, finding its' way into the food chain, particularly in Cheerios. Hope this information helped! I harvest my own, wood cooked in oven for an hour or two @ 225 and fresh leaves from same branches, microwaved at 30 second intervals for at least 2 minutes. Sure they have corn meal in some pellets (not good) but corn is not good for their system and butter / excess amounts of salt are really bad. If their teeth gets too long, you must take them to a vet to get their teeth filed down or they could die.Always keep them in a cool environment because heat can cause heat stroke. Wishing all of you the best in taking care of your cute chinchillas! Fruit, veggies, and seeds, etc. if so then it is safe, but in moderation. while I was gone my lovely mother was eating eggs and felt my chinchilla was hungry and gave her some. Is it ok to give a chinchilla a tiny piece of a oatmeal cookie? Should those be removed before feeding it to her? Great list but i would suggest removing peanuts due to the fat content. The answer is yes, chinchillas can safely eat pistachios. and also it will last a lot longer then the plastic shelve, Kylie, I have three chins who chew on things they shouldn't at times. Chinchillas have different personalities, some like to be held and some don't. Cat food has meat protein in it and chinchillas are obligate herbivores. I am a little concerned about the treat list above. Debra, Im sure the vitacraft treats are ok as long as it doesn't have a lot of sugar or high fat content in them. have you guys ever heard of this? But also acknowledge that these critters are in Captivity. While they can eat a variety of different foods, there are some that are better for them than others. Just try to avoid high fat, sugary, salty, and high carbohydrates in your chins diet. the one thing I read is not to give your chinchilla too many raisins cuz it will give it runny stools. Try to never reach into their cage. I have 3chinnies my 2 upstairs are nippy but not at all nasty they take from my hand they have plenty to gnaw on. If their teeth grow too long, they cant eat, and then they can die. I hope this helps you with your chinchilla! Anyone know if it will have any bad side effects? Another risk of feeding pistachios to chinchillas is that they contain a lot of sugar. Their bodies need high amounts of fiber to remain fit. I have three fluffy hammocks. I am feeding her critical care and desperately trying to help her gain weight. Dehydrated alfalfa meal, wheat middlings, ground soybean hulls, wheat flour, dehulled soybean meal, soybean oil, lignin sulfonate, cane molasses, salt, methionine supplement, choline chloride, calcium carbonate, iron oxide, nicotinic acid, dl-alpha tocopheryl acetate, vitamine a acetate, saccharomyces, cerevisiae, yeast, riboflavin, calcium pantothenate, vitamin B-12 supplement, dried aspergillus niger fermentation extract, dried lactobacillus acidophilus ferment product, cholecalciferol, dried enterococcus faecium fermentation product, cobalt carbonate,manganese sulfate, ethylenediamine dihydriodide zinc sulfate, dried yucca shidigera extract, papaya, copper, chloride, sodium selenite. Thank goodness his constipation wasn't anything serious and cleared up, literally, the day of his vet visit. Timothy grass is a little more speedy hence I supplement with the Orchard grass. I'm wondering if they're bad for him? They both seem to recognize their names. I watched him being born and he passed as a result of pellets. She is not sick or anything, my chinchilla well she is very odd. Then you can use the same Apple and not waste any. Would it be bad if I feed it too much of that? Make sure the incisors do not overgrow and feel around the lower back of their chin and around their nose. Don't give your chins lots of sweets or raisins. I'm just looking for different ideas I think the best would be to get some water directly from a clean outdoor natural source and boil it to kill any buggies. Pistachios are a type of nut that is commonly consumed by humans. On the topic of seed stocks, Millet sprays seem to be quite popular, although I believe there is an oil content, so moderation and variety is key. Kim. He just picks out the seeds from his food. Um I'm sorry to join in but why don't you leave this poor girl alone for goodness' sake. Perhaps your bits are small enough with him having a balanced diet elsewhere. You can buy wooden sticks or lava blocks at petsmart for your chins to chew on safely to prevent this. Some people wont do this. Chinchillas are a type of rodent that is often kept as a pet. As with other special treats, these should not be fed on a daily basis. I want to introduce my pair of chins into but am worried about them eatng leaves and bark from a health point of view. I have had a situation with my male where he was prescribed force feed food. It's carbs I know, but he's loves it and he's doing just fine. ( she has tons in hay in cage as well). Parakeets are no exception! That can be dangerous for a chinchilla. Just got 2 full grown. I also suggest giving them distilled water in their water bottle, because tap water has chlorine in it. Hello, Keep the temperature around 68 degrees or lower. So when it comes to why corn is bad for chinchillas. The temperature below 70 degrees is appropriate, although if you can lower the temps by 1 to 3 degrees the chins would love it! she is healthy spoilt but i am concerned about her having actual peanut butter any imput would be great thanks and love your chins. there is a reason they sweeten them with molasses, beyond binding. As Dr. Legendre (world renowned chin dentist) told me, the more they chew the better. I didn't give him a lot. So I stopped feeding my chins coconut. I was wondering if you can give me advice on what kind of food I can feed my chinchilla. Also I cannot recommend timothy hay enough and it has made such a difference to our chinchillas. Please help!! I haven't determined the time frame but I try to get them as dry as possible, seeing as the wood is fresh. Some chins likes this fruit, although my chins don't like kiwi. Dried bananas from the store, although "organic" are generally treated with either a sulphite or coated with a long chain fatty acid like palm oil. The high fat content in pistachios can cause digestive problems, such as diarrhea, for chinchillas. A chinchilla's liver cant filter out high sugar or fat content. Trying not to be negative or insulting, ummmm, professionals with a lot more experience with chincillas and a deep knowledge of their complex digestive system say corn is bad. I found some grape wood in the reptile section of the pet store, and they are great for chewing as are apple and pear branches from the back yard. I use under 1/4 cup bleach to a medium size spray bottle filled up with water. When looking at freeze dried apples, make sure you do not get the cinnamon ones. Hi, my chinchilla hopped up onto my desk and I think he ate something from my mini zen garden. A variety of vegetables is okay for chinchillas, but avoid fruits and seeds, as they can cause harm to your chinchilla. Im worried about my little guy. What is the best pellet to use? That is their "safe" zone. My little guy also adores dried corn kernels and my vet said that they are okay in moderation, I don't know about peas though. Leslie - we pick dandelions, leaves & flowers once in a while and feed them to our Chins - they absolutely love them! They can also eat a variety of fruits and nuts, including pistachios. I wouldn't know for sure. These little birds can enjoy mango as part of a healthy, balanced diet. i know if I put them inthe cage they will be eaten but is it safe?? The shredded wheat is good fiber for their intestional tract. she gets her chin food,she has a wood chew block plus her special chew stuff she gets throughout the month for a treat and of course her cheerios and shreddies. Example what parent would buy a nocturnal pet for their kid? When I see an apple tree I ask the owner if I can get any cut sticks they are usually happy to hand them over. Pistachios are a good source of protein, fiber, and healthy fats for chinchillas. I'm so worried about them developing malaclusions. Avoid raisins as they are very high in sugar. For food though, I would recommend oxbow essentials chinchilla, I've never seen pikachu as happy as he is when he is on that food :), My chinchilla eats corn too and he is eight years now. I am always open to new information, except where it comes to pellets. 1/2 each just once a month. just be in a cage with a cardboard box as a hide. I hope this info will help many of you. While chinchillas need some fat in their diet, too. I want to avoid pellets but I find if you say this on many forums the torches are brought out and you are run out of town except the German ones, and since I have to translate it I feel I might be missing something. The white part is simply a fibrous casing, just like the one on a sunflower seed (a big no no, NOT because of the case). Yes, everyone has to decide what's best for their pet, I totally agree with this. #5 Strawflower. Dried Apples: unsafe, too much sugar Hi, Specially Fruits that have high sugar and can cause gass, bloat, diabetes, blindness and death. Some people wont even do that. Why do people love them as pets?? A good treat to give your chin is plain cheerios. Fibre - 30-35%. I've been using those as his once or twice a day snack. Why do some chinchilla owners have to be such dickheads? Do your own research beyond what anyone, regardless of the letters after their name says. as a treat coconut husk Water and dark leafy greens may also be a part of their regular diet depending on what you choose. Maybe even Timothy hay. Is that OK? It??? However, fruits and vegetables are not a good choice for chinchillas . Unlike Ferrets, who have been domesticated for thousands of years, chinchillas could be considered more "recently domesticated", used as food yes, but kept as pets or as work animals, no. Im trying to get my new chins to know that Im a friend. Ceelee, I would try a plain cheerio. My city water supply has too much chlorine. # Dried Apples I would substitute the grapes with a raisin. I know that things happen, but there is a ton of information available that is good and helpful that can prevent accidents and injuries. Give them good chin pellets, timothy hay, and papaya once in a while and they should be ok. Papaya has enzymes that help their digestive system to digest food properly. just an addition. Avoid anything with sap in it. Fizzysweete Chinchillas need a diet that is high in fiber and low in sugar in order to stay healthy. I have noticed conflicting information, on the topic, but I take any reference to danger seriously, when it comes to wood. What you have to keep in mind about chins is to keep the fat contents and sugar and salt contents low. if chinchillas can eat mandarins. Just try to provide him with organic treats with low sugar and fat content. I feed my chinchillas the green pumpkin seeds, not the white seeds. But some contributors are saying pellets are bad? I took him too our vet. Treats keep chinchillas happy. They will play "King Of The Mountain" on our back and head while cage maintenance is happening! Kim. I really love my chinchilla Ginger and I want to make her happy but also don't want to get her sick. #2 Euphorbia Milii. Pistachios are a good source of protein, fiber, and healthy fats. Contrast this with their staple diet of hay and pellets which can be up to 100% of their diet. Hia, I'm not sure about rosemary but you could give your chins rose hip. what products should i buy to feed it? Tortoises are found in warm climates all around the world. I have fed my chinchilla air popped, unflavored and unsalted popcorn. Is that OK to feed to them? Chins don't really make great class pets, they sleep during the day, are susceptible to zoonotic diseases from children, and require cool conditions. This little guy loves fresh carrots, broccoli, granny Smith apples. And any pet chinchilla with good care lives up to 20 or more. All he needs is timothy hay, chin pellets, and wood toys to chew on. Chinchillas are especially susceptible to sugar and thus diabetes. I'm avoiding treats because our chi thinks hay pieces are treats. Unfortunately, we're not vets, just pet owners and enthusiasts. if anybody else wants to say anything then have them send money to help feed it too. I was under the impression that distilled water was dangerous to chins. The most common vegetables that chinchillas can eat are lettuce and tomatoes. Is it ok to use a little bleach water to clean the cage monthly. Most of the time I hear corn is bad. I am researching how to responsibly care for them I know these are pesticide free, so I cut those up, toss em in the microwave, or steam them to kill any possible buggies. Fresh Apple: unsafe, too much sugar and will cause bloat. Please spend some time on research! Also most vets only know about chinchillas through what they read in a book or treat them the same as cavy or rabbits. I am going by what my chinchilla specializing vet tells me what to give the chins that I breed and keep.all 17 of them. This comes from the dentist who has done many dental procedures on chinchillas who were suffering needlessly due to the misinformation of the pet food industry. Even one or two fields over may not be safe as the wind can easily carry these dangerous chemicals more than several miles. Chinchillas can eat a number of human foods, most notably vegetables, fruits, seeds, nuts and grains. They dont have sweat glands and thats why you must keep them cool. Better safe then sorry, it might be best to grow your chinchilla his/her own little stash of these occasionally given lovely delights in your own safe area. One of the biggest risks of feeding pistachios to chinchillas is that they are high in fat. It's very true that there are limited monographs available for owners And vets! When fed in moderation, they can be a healthy and nutritious part of a chinchillas diet. This can cause bloat, which is dangerous. What brand of hay is cheap and good for chinchillas,cause i don't have a lot of money:( Why do chinchillas need hay and what are some signs of His cage is pretty small, but I excersize him almost every night now and he seems perfectly healthy. Round up ready crops survive this chemical, but humans wouldn't. My question is are palm leaves or banana leaves safe to put in their cage? Start with a small amount and increase the amount over time. Sorry for being so long winded, but look forward to comments on how we are doing with the girls. China I sent known to use some pretty nasty preservatives which do not show up on the ingredient list. Yes I do agree she should be more careful about the cords but she said it didn't mean to happen. I give mine parsley choriander mint no apple slight banana. A lot of dental issues are genetic or from lack of chewing options. (Benefits/Risks), Can Chinchillas Eat Nuts? He had the sniffles and was dead a few hours later. but if anybody has tried it please reply. I know, Ive got 3 chins. They also don't contain enough fiber or carbohydrate for your chinchilla's gut . apparently it will kill it. Dried Clover: safe i think, but in moderation i am SURE a chinchilla can have these treats. hey my chinchilla just had triplets and one of my chinchilla kits arent eating as much as the other two. What other cheap nasties did they put in there to build bulk and save money? Not in their natural diet, but I thought id ask your opinion. Not honey nut cheerios! Because of "round up ready" corn. look at my posts. Mine LOVES dried carrots and banana chips. they are boring otherwise. I hope you enjoy your little friend! You don't want too much noise, normal chatter from the classroom is okay. #1 Sweet Alyssum. Daily they receive 8 or 10 apple and willow sticks, always have pumice stone to chew on and carry around. I've noticed, however, when I take the drawer out that she has been chewing the inside of the wooden table. Never ever give wet fruits to chinchillas always give dry. I just want to do the right thing and get him into a loving home. hi, I am not an expert but I know a lot just give your pet chin some normal chin food and raisins and wood ( apple wood is the best and tested ). I was wondering if anyone knows anything about these treats, or if this was just an unfortunate coincidence. They are absolute nib-noses and love to explore anything new. Provide your pet with chinchilla pellets and timothy hay everyday. But you need to keep an eye on your chinchilla when it eats large amounts of food it's not used to. Can chinchillas have fresh/dried apples? Fresh fruits are 100% off-limits. i give them only as a special treat. Also, don't give your chins any yogurt or fruits. Guess I have been killing him his entire life. I think its true that chinchillas should only be given the bare minimums in their diets. Freeze dried or air dried banana chips (I dry my own in the oven when bananas get too ripe for my own taste) are ok, but since they are very high in sugar they should not be a treat more than once a week (the same with raisins and other dried or freeze dried fruit). As does high fructose corn syrup, corn starch and all sorts of nasties. Hope this information helped! The pain can get so bad they will stop eating. Pistachios are one food that chinchillas can eat, but there are some risks associated with, feeding them to these animals. I am not slamming oxbow pellets because of that, I am slamming ALL brands of pellets as a product designed purely for lazy pet owners. I know he travels alot, but I am lucky in that he is local to Vancouver. It's important to offer your chinchillas an unlimited amount of fresh hay in their cage daily so they can continually consume the large amounts of fibre they need. Dried apple, pear, blackberry and raspberry (Thorns removed) also wprk wonders. If you feel that you need to give a treat chew sticks are good, if you want to do more than that then do on bite sized non-frosted mini wheat, 1-2 plain cheerios, or a tsp of SLOW COOK oatmeal for a treat. Thanks again. ahem! My rats are given a varied diet they eat food that's been left over & it's probably better than the commercial stuff I just don't give folk the ammunition to have ago & act self righteous. #4 Ageratum. It can over the long term damage their liver. Plus I get any extra's since they do not stay dry once the foil package is opened :). Chinchillas will eat a lot of things but only a few items are ok for them to eat. A vet appointment had already been set. Don't give your chinchillas nuts or seeds as treats as the fat content is too high. They also help to keep the coat soft and healthy. I don't want to hurt my future pet. JUST the plan ones! You can feed them with nuts and fruits, but that too very occasionally in small bits and by using tablespoons. I also picked up some screw in bolts with wingnuts, similar to what they use for "leaping ledges" This way i could customize the shelf size to fit the entire width of their cage. You just need to take it slow when introducing new as it's microorganisms who digest the plantbased material in their gut. but i adopted two chins a while ago and i love them and take care of them really good and they r precious to me alot!! Our 1st one love to be picked up and would play pass the chinchilla on the shoulder. Its so easy to make mistakes that can be fatal. I love him to death and sometimes I wake up when he's loose at night and I find him on my face sniffing or lightly nibbling my ear; never biting :) I love him to death; he's only maybe a year old now, and I wanna give him a great life.

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